Linda-n-Carla Peru 2019

Celebrating a Very Special Return Guest!

Canyon Calling enjoys a very high return rate among our guests. Meet Linda D from PA. Linda has traveled with Canyon Calling on ten trips… and has more booked!

We asked Linda a couple of questions on why she chooses Canyon Calling and what keeps her coming back.  Thanks Linda and congratulations on your 10th Canyon Calling trip (Peru 2019). We love ya, and look forward to seeing you again and again!  See Linda’s answers below to our 6 questions:

CC:  You are obviously a travel junkie. Tell us a bit about your travel interests in general.

LD:  When I travel in the US, I want to see all the amazing places that our country has to offer. Our country is incredibly beautiful and diverse with our national parks, the Native American reservations, and so many other places that are full of wonder for me. For example Sedona’s Cathedral Rock, Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, Mt. San Jacinta State Park outside Palm Springs are just a few of the places that I found breath taking. When I travel outside the US, I also want to see whatever beauty the country has to offer but I also want to learn about the culture of the people who live there.

CC:  So, ten trips with Canyon Calling… amazing!  What is that all about?

LD: In order to travel as much as I want, I often have to travel alone. My friends are either married and will only travel with their spouses or aren’t interested in traveling. Canyon Calling has provided me with a way to travel and see all the places I want to see while also enjoying the company of like-minded women. I have met so many wonderful women on the trips that I’ve taken. Most of them are as independent as I am and they are all so interesting. I love meeting them and spending time with them.

CC:  Do you have a few favorite adventure trips, and if so, why are they favorites?

LD:  It seems that every time I take a trip I think it might be one of my favorites because they’ve all been so great. This year I went to Iceland and Peru. Both were amazing trips. In Iceland we learned so much about the Icelandic people and how proud they are of their country as well they should be. And of course Peru with its mountains and Inca ruins and wonderful native people was really special. Within the US the trip to Utah’s national parks was a trip I’ll never forget. So much beauty in one state is almost overwhelming.

CC:  What keeps you coming back to Canyon Calling?

LD:  What keeps me coming back is that I’ve had such great experiences on every trip I’ve been on. It’s a fun, exhilarating, and comfortable way for a single woman to travel. And with the addition of new tours all the time there are always trips to places that I haven’t yet seen.

CC: Do you have your eye on any future Canyon Calling adventures?

LD:  Although I haven’t yet committed to any particular trip, there are several that I’m interested in such as the trips to Oregon, Idaho, and the Canadian Rockies. Eventually I’d also like to go on the Jordan and Norway trip.

CC:  Canyon Calling loves having you as their top traveler and guest extraordinaire! What would you say to any woman who’s on the fence about taking a trip with CC?

LD:  I actually have had conversations with women who want to travel but are concerned about taking that first trip. My advice is to pick one of the shorter trips to get their feet wet. It would shock me if they didn’t end up having a wonderful experience. There will always be other women on the trip that they will bond with and the trips are always filled with so many amazing sights. How can you go wrong?

Thank you Linda, for your delightful curiosity, kindness, and ongoing patronage! We are very grateful for you.

Janet & The Crew at Canyon Calling Adventures for Women

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travel group for women


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