Things to do in Panama-go to the beach!

Feeling the tropical embrace calling to your wanderlust and wellness-seeking heart?

Whether you’re looking for thrills, serenity, or cultural enrichment, Panama has it all for the female traveler in pursuit of wellness and adventure.

Let’s infuse your journey with the many soul-nourishing things to do in Panama. In this blog, we’re sharing 9 wild and wonderful experiences for your Panama tour—they’re all awaiting you in this tropical gem.

Ready to dive into your dreamy trip to Panama? Let’s go!

Your Trip to Panama: 9 Soul-Nourishing Things to Do in Panama

1. Exploring Panama City’s Rich Heritage

Dive into the heart of Panama City, where time-traveling through cobblestone streets reveals tales of old. Casco Viejo tells stories of centuries past, a perfect setting for mindful strolls and absorbing history’s lessons. Wander through the ancient ruins of Old Panama and behold the engineering marvel of the Panama Canal at Miraflores Locks. Feel the energy of this historic place, and let it cleanse your spirit.

2. Embracing Embera Culture on Your Panama Tour

Venture into the jungles, and let the river serenade you to an Embera village. This is one of the most culturally enriching things to do in Panama. Here, you’ll feel the tribal rhythm, breathe in the forest’s cleansing energy, and embrace the connection between humanity and nature. This is a tapestry woven with jungle wisdom and the vibrant spirit of community. Let the rhythm of their music sync with your heartbeat, and feel the ancient wisdom seep into your soul.

Related: 4 Benefits of Nature Adventures for Women: Your Journey to Mental and Emotional Well-Being

3. Hiking Amidst Cloud Forests and Coffee Farms

In Boquete, lace up your boots for a soul-nourishing hike. The cloud-kissed trails offer not just physical exertion, but a communion with nature. As you trek, practice mindful breathing, absorbing the crisp, rejuvenating air. Let the lush greenery remind you of the vitality of life. At coffee farms, sip consciously, appreciating the labor of love in every cup. Feel the connection between the land, the coffee, and your rejuvenated spirit.

4. Conquering Rapids in Chiriqui Viejo on Your Trip to Panama

Hold tight as you raft down the Chiriqui Viejo River, where the thrill of rapids meets the soundtrack of nature. If you’re looking for the most thrilling things to do in Panama, this is one of them! You’ll feel the rush of adrenaline—and as the water surges, let go of any tension, allowing the river to wash it away. Surrender to the power of nature, and in that surrender, find liberation. 

5. Nourishing Your Body and Soul on Your Panama Tour

Embark on a mindful culinary journey through Panama’s local markets and restaurants. Engage with the vibrant array of colors, smells, and tastes. Learn about the local ingredients and traditional dishes. Practice mindful eating, savoring each delicious bite, and appreciating the nourishment provided by the earth. Let the flavors transport you to the heart of Panama’s culinary heritage.

6. Ziplining Through the Canopy on Your Trip to Panama

Ever dreamt of flying? The treetops of Baru Volcano are your runway. Soar on ziplines, the wind teasing you to go faster on your metaphorical flight—freeing you from worries and allowing you to fully embrace the present moment. Each zipline is a leap of faith, propelling you toward freedom and adventure!

Related: How to Embrace Pura Vida on Your Solo Female Travel Costa Rica Trip

7. Island Hopping and Snorkeling in Bocas del Toro

Another one of our favorite things to do in Panama? Hop onto a boat and explore Bocas del Toro! The underwater world is a sanctuary of peace and beauty. Dive into the turquoise waters, say hello to dolphins, snorkel around vibrant coral reefs, and walk the sandy shores of Zapatilla Keys. Let the ocean’s calmness seep into your soul. Paradise found, indeed.

8. Trekking Through Jungle Trails on Isla Solarte

Put on your explorer’s hat and venture into Isla Solarte’s jungles. Nature’s palette awaits—colorful flora, playful fauna, and whispers of tales untold. Let the vibrant surroundings energize your being. It’s a wild, beautiful world out there!

9. Practicing Yoga on the Beach on Your Trip to Panama

Imagine the gentle murmur of the waves, the soft touch of sand beneath your feet, and the golden hues of the sun illuminating the sky—welcome to your yoga sanctuary on Panama’s pristine beaches. Roll out your mat, feel the connection with the earth, and let the sea breeze inspire your yoga practice. 

Every pose is a dance between you and the elements, grounding you in the present moment. The ocean’s vastness is a reminder of your infinite potential, with each wave whispering serenity to your soul. On your trip to Panama, the beach is your sacred space for rejuvenation and inner peace.

Panama is calling, lovely wanderer. 🌺 Now that you know the best things to do in Panama, it’s time to let your spirit roam free and embrace the unknown in this enchanting landscape—while nurturing your wellness along the way!

“As I fall back in my day-to-day, it will give me satisfaction just knowing that, somewhere on this spinning planet, there is a marvelous guide leading a group of women to a beautiful place—and it will make their hearts soar! The sights I have seen on these trips are surpassed only by the wonderful spirits surrounding them.”


Discover Panama with Canyon Calling: Your Trusted Travel Group for Women

Ready to embark on a Panama tour with a tribe of like-minded women? We’re Canyon Calling, and we specialize in crafting extraordinary adventures for women like you. 

Imagine exploring the wonders of Panama in the company of inspiring women, all sharing the desire for enriching experiences. On our tours, you get the thrill of adventure and the safety of a supportive travel group for women. It’s a soulful connection—a sisterhood that empowers you to step outside your comfort zone and discover the world…and yourself! 💪

Together, we’ll dive into the most soul-enriching things to do in Panama. It’s time to let the lush jungles of Panama be the backdrop to your transformation. Click the link below, and book the Panama tour of your dreams!

🌟 Book your spot on our Discover Panama tour!


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